Kung nais magpa-book ng private reading, o mag-order ng inyong 2023 PERSONAL NUMEROLOGY REPORT, puntahan ang aking profile/bio rito at naroon ang link para sa instructions. Sending love and light to you all! Ony Carcamo is a seasoned occult reader, having been an Intuitive Coach since the late 1980s. He wrote occult columns regularly in national newspapers and magazines, and did reading gigs in bars, hotels, and corporate events. He uses the Tarot, Numerology, Runes and Dice in his readings. Ony studied Tarot under Dr. James Wanless, an American author, educator, keynoter, futurist, and creator of the Voyager Tarot. Dr. Wanless is one of the world's foremost Tarot authorities. Ony is the first and only Certified Voyager Tarot Consultant in the Philippines. His reading style is fun and interactive. He approaches the occult as a tool for fortune-creation, where clients are empowered through knowledge to create the future that they prefer. Each reading session is like lifemap reading designed to help clients navigate their personal journeys. Ony is a Pinoy Renaissance man. He finished BS Electrical Engineering in Mapua Institue of Technology, worked as writer in various media, and as Creative Director in top advertising agencies like McCann-Erickson, Basic Advertising and Publicis Philippines. He is a speaker, songwriter, and a multi-Palanca Award-winning author of literary books. Ony is also considered as the Philippines Premier Ventriloquist. "Voyager goes to (the) Philippines with Ony ! And he is Brilliant!" - Dr. James Wanless #pinoytarot #pinoytarotreader #oraclereading #fortunetelling #fortuneteller #tarotcardsreading #intuitionreading #runes #voyagertarot #lovereadingtarot #manghuhula #intuitivecoaching #filipinotarotreader
Duration: 336 sPosted : Thu, 19 Oct 2023 14:11:28Views