Three years ago, I embarked on a terrifying journey: becoming a college student at the age of 50 after only having an 8th-grade education and spending 35 years in a totalitarian cult. After three years of hard work, long nights, tears, and wanting to give up so many times, I have earned an associate's degree from NYU. I'm now working on my bachelor's degree. I desperately wanted a higher education for many years but didn't move forward because I feared I was not smart enough. Even though I had managed to leave Scientology, three decades of brainwashing still gripped my mind. I feel so grateful to have gotten the support I needed from my family and friends, including my mom, my step-father George, my sisters Nicole and Shannon, my husband Angelo, and most of all, my little nugget, my daughter Sofia. So many of you have gotten me through the most challenging times. I have read many of your comments and drawn inspiration from them. I couldn't have done this without the support of my therapist, who provided the support and tools that prevented me from giving up early on. Thank you to the professors and staff at NYU and my amazing tutor. I know I am in a position of privilege that has offered me the flexibility to do this. But over the past three years, I've heard from thousands of people, especially women, who have decided to take the leap at an older age and get their GED or pursue a college education. Whether a cult used to control your life, you have a full-time job as a stay-at-home parent, or full-time job(s) outside of the home, it's never too late to continue your education and pursue what you have always wanted to achieve for yourself! #college #collegegraduate #nyu