Cacao powder has many potential health benefits, including: Antioxidants: Cacao is a rich source of antioxidants, which can help protect the body from aging and absorb harmful free radicals. Improved mood: Cacao contains alkaloids, which are natural compounds that can help you feel good. Eating cacao before bed can help you calm down and de-stress. Brain power: The flavonoids in cacao can improve cognitive and visual tasks by increasing blood flow to nerve tissues. Cardiovascular health: Cacao may help reduce cholesterol levels and lower the risk of heart problems and strokes. Muscle recovery: Cacao can help improve muscle recovery. Reduced inflammation: Cacao can help reduce inflammation. Athletic performance: Cacao can enhance athletic performance. Lower risk of heart disease and diabetes: Cacao can lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Calcium: Cacao contains more calcium than cow's milk. Magnesium: Cacao contains magnesium. Cacao is also a nutrient-rich food that contain #cacao #cacaopowder #magesium #cardiovascularhealth #flavonoids #freeradicals #antioxident #destress #cognitivefunctions #brainhealth #skinhealth #healthyliving #healthyliving #skinhealth #diabetes #natural @Pius Vita Superfoods