Ray Dalio: This market looks a lot like 1998-99 @Ray Dalio joined Friedberg for an All-In interview, where he described the state of the market: On investor psychology: -- "I think a lot of investors make the mistake of thinking, 'I want to buy good things.'" -- "But, a great company that gets expensive is much worse than a bad company that's really cheap." On overpriced companies building AI: -- "Everybody says, 'That's great.' And it's going to be great for the future, like the internet and dot-com, but the price has to be paid attention to." -- "And I'm particularly concerned (for) those companies at a time when we are in a situation with the interest rates operating as we are." Why it feels like 1998-99: -- "In other words, this looks quite a lot like 1998 or '99, where the assets are hot, the prices are high, and you have a rising interest rate environment." -- "That is a classic issue." #stocks #stockmarket #allin #podcast #clips #allinpodcast #investor #investing #ai #bubble #raydalio #wallstreet #smart #learn