Anne Hathaway has confirmed that she'll be reprising her role as the unforgettable Mia Thermopolis in a third installment of The Princess Diaries. Hathaway, 41, took to social media on Friday and shared a video of herself counting from one to three with snippets from the first two movies of her character and Julie Andrews' character Queen Clarisse Renaldi both saying: 'Shut up!' When she reached number three, the actress said with a huge grin on her face: 'Shut up!' before blowing a kiss to the camera and giggling. Hathaway captioned the post: 'Miracles happen. Back to Genovia with @adeleblim @disney @somewherepictures. The fairy tale continues.' 🎥:TT/ Anne Hathaway #princessdiaries #annehathaway #movienews #news #hollywood