FULL EPISODE OF @itsalotpod OUT NOW Violence against women doesn’t come from nowhere. Patriarchy primes men to objectify and dehumanise women. “Casual sexism” isn’t casual, it’s the foundations for violence against women, it’s what upholds patriarchy and allows such extreme acts to occur. Women are gaslit and told that we are hysterical or exaggerating when we call out sexism in our homes, our workplaces, our friendship groups. We’re slut shamed and victim blamed, while being told we are exaggerating the pain we endure at the hands of patriarchy. We are not believed, discredited, humiliated and punished for speaking out. That is, until we are killed. Then we have all of the media attention for a week, and it’s back to business as usual. The media and our politicians treat these incidents as isolated, not recognising the structures that allow and encourage this violence. Simultaneously, we have a pathetic excuse for a healthcare system, where even getting an appointment with a psychiatrist can take 18 months, where those who are most in need are unable to receive any kind of assistance. With this backdrop, we hear the cries of men in power saying “how could this have happened?! This freak event?!” Your ignorance and lack of empathy is clear. We can see where your priorities lie. If we have any hope of even minimising violence against women in this country, we must acknowledge and call out all forms of discrimination and sexism, in an effort to unpave the way to where we currently are.