
Elizabeth I was queen of England. When her sister, Mary I died there were many who didn’t think that she should be queen. One of which was her deceased sister’s husband Phillip II of Spain. Phillip was staunchly Catholic and believed since the pope never granted an annulment to Henry VIII from his first wife Katharine of Aragon that Elizabeth was illegitimate and because she was Protestant she was also a heretic. Phillip in Spain and Elizabeth in England’s relationship deteriorated to such an extreme extent that Phillip decided he was going to send an Armada of ships to invade England. And so the Spanish Armada set sail from Lisbon in 1588 to execute the task set out to them. This did not go well for the Spanish as their ships were large and had a hard time maneuvering unlike the faster sleeker English fleet. Ultimately the Spanish were defeated and their fleet was scattered. They desperately tried to find a route to flee. The decision was made that the best course would be to sail north, go around Scotland and then around Ireland to finally get them back home to Spain. Violent storms rocked the ships to and fro…one of these called La Girona ended up landing in Killybegs harbor in Ireland with a damaged rudder and crew much worse for wear. While they were at the harbor survivors of other shipwrecks from the Armada were washing ashore. There was a great deal of concern once they were on Irish soil that there were many English soldiers stationed in Ireland. They needed to get to safety and the closet place that they thought safety could be found was in Catholic Scotland. The decision was made to take all of the survivors on The Girona head to Scotland. While the ship had been at harbor it had been repaired by a local Irish chieftain. 1300 survivors boarded the ship- a ship that was only ever to support 400. The Girona sailed north and as they did a horrible storm began. In the dead of night on the 26th of October 1588 La Girona hit the rocks on what is now called the Spanish Rocks on the Atrim coast in Notthern Ireland and sank. 1300 people perished with only 9 surviving. Close to where the Girona crashed was Dunluce Castle. #elizabethi#anglospanishwar#tudortok#history#gotoriginal sound

Duration: 400 sPosted : Thu, 14 Sep 2023 22:06:54

















If only walls could talk…well, the walls at the Tower of London actually do. The graffiti inside bears witness to the personal experience - and trauma - of former royalty, disgraced nobility, religious figures, military leaders and knights. Some of the most notable figures in Tudor history’s words can be seen etched on tge walls. #creatorsearchinsights #history #castleshistoryruins #historytime #historybuff #historytok #tudortok #tudorhistory
Castles*History*Ruins- Evelyn
11 months_ago
Mary Queen of Scots father James V had been imprisoned by his Stepfather Archibald Douglas the 6th Earl of Angus for over two years when he was a teenager. James grew to hate Douglas and when he finally came of age and was able to rule Scotland by himself-he began to exact his revenge upon not only his step tather but the entire Douglas Family. Janet Douglas was his step-father's sister. She was also the wife of the 6th Lord of Glamis who owned Glamis Castle in Scotland. Janet was eventually convicted of trying to poison the King James V as well as communicating to her outlaw brothers. Janet's sentence was to be executed on the hill at Edinburgh Castle on July 17, 1537. Her ghost is said to haunt Glamis Castle. #history #castlesofscotland #castleshistoryruins #ghoststories #historytime #historybuff #historytok #europeanhistory
Castles*History*Ruins- Evelyn
11 months_ago
Katherine of Aragon, Henry VIII’s first wife, died at 2pm on January 7th 1536. Her body was taken to Peterborough Cathedral- far away from Henry and his new wife Anne Boleyn. Katherine was buried not as a Queen of England, but as the Dowager princess of Wales. #katherineofaragon #catherineofaragon #henryviiiwives #henryviii #tudors #sixthemusical #history #tudorhistory
Castles*History*Ruins- Evelyn
11 months_ago
In September of 1937 a huge fire broke out in the bakery of Witley Court while the current owner, Sir Herbert “Piggy” Smith, was away at one of his other properties. The fire spread quickly, even though the floors were supposed to have been fireproofed. Only one wing was destroyed but the insurance company decided not to cover the major damage and the property ended up being sold and stripped leaving it a shell. #creatorsearchinsights #history #statelyhome #historytime #historybuff #castleshistoryruins #europeanhistory #historytok
Castles*History*Ruins- Evelyn
11 months_ago
Mary Queen of Scot's son King James VI, was kidnapped and taken captive when he 16 years old for 10 months. One of the ringleaders of this kidnapping was the 2no Earl of Gowrie. After James escaped and was old enough to reign as King in his own right, The Earl was promptly executed and James never trusted the Gowrie family again. Some years later the Earls Two sons were suspiciously killed while supposedly trying to kidnap the king again and possibly kill him. Well, At least that's What King James said. What would become known as The Gowrie conspiracy is one of the great unsolved mysteries of Scottish history. David Murray, who owned this castle- Balvaird Castle, helped King James dispose of the Gowries. Or was it that David helped save the King's life? Whichever it was David was rewarded for his service and promptly took Gowrie's previous post. #maryqueenofscots #jamesvi #jamesi #history #unsolvedmysteries #historymystery #castle #historynera #historytime #historybuff #maryandgeorge #maryandgeorgeseries #castleshistoryruins #maryandgeorge #creatorsearchinsights
Castles*History*Ruins- Evelyn
11 months_ago