Book overview Ella Roberts craves a break from her mundane existence and finds herself drawn to the dynamic city of Belfast, where her mother and younger siblings reside. Seeking adventure and connection, she takes a chance on an online dating app, stumbling upon the captivating profile of a Mr. Tylor Richards, a mysterious and attractive local art teacher. As Ella and Tylor engage in a thrilling game of seduction with their intentions clear from the start, it is clear that their connection surpasses any superficial desires. With each encounter, their passion ignites, leaving them teetering on the edge of surrendering to the powerful emotions neither of them anticipated. Caught within a web of sexual tension and hidden depths, Ella, and Tylor struggle against their growing affection. Will they succumb to their undeniable chemistry and explore the uncharted territory of love, or will they bury their emotions deep, denying themselves the chance at a meaningful connection? "The Devilish Stare with an Artistic Flair" is a provocative and electrifying tale of forbidden attraction, exploring the boundaries of desire and the risks one takes in the pursuit of pleasureΒ #smuttyreads #newromance #newbook #signedcopies #SarahsArmy #booklovers #smuttot #kinktok #thirstythursday