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I might be biased, but the Sharks unis + color scheme = ELITE 🖤💙 Name drop a high school with dope uniforms in the comments- gonna make a post featuring the best of those suggestions next! #hsfb #football #uniforms #nike #battlecustoms
The textured matte helmets worn by UVA are super underrated- the painted on stripes just add to the 🔥 #virginia #uva #cavs #collegefootball #football #footballhelmet #speedflex #battlecustoms
Did the Lions nail it or what? Modern classic home and away and added a SWEET new alternate featuring black threads and a blue helmet 🔥 #detroit #lions #newuniforms #nfl #battlecustoms @Detroit Lions
Super random setup, all different teams on different helmet models (some older than others), but just a few of the customs I’ve made over the years sitting around in my office 👌 #football #footballhelmets #nfl #cfb #battlecustoms