Lots of people may experience these kinds of social urges, but with OCD the thoughts of "I'm unsafe/unloved" play on a loop until we do these compulsions to give us momentary relief--emphasis on the "momentary". This takes a huge toll on my social battery and takes up a lot of time in conversations with friends and family. When we think of OCD compulsions, we often think of physical behaviors (i.e washing, checking, repetitive movements) or mental compulsions (i.e counting, thought-replacing, prayer/mantra recitation). But the compulsions that rely on other people can sometimes be the most frustrating because they come along with the bonus anxiety of feeling like a burden or annoyance. OCD therapy has really helped me bring attention to these almost instinctual lines of dialogue & social behaviors I find myself falling into regularly, and paved a clearer path for regaining control and confidence. Go to NOCD.com to get started with specialized treatment! #ocd #nocd #ocdtherapy #erptherapy