Enrichment Vs Stimulation Enrichment, in my eyes, is anything that enriches the dog’s life but doesn’t require much thought or problem-solving for them. A lot of dog guardians these days have got really good at providing a variety of enrichment based activities for their dogs such as snuffle mats, licki mats etc. As well as sniff walks where our dogs can decompress. All fantastic things! Stimulation on the other hand, is the area I see most people forgetting the importance of. It’s often something we are great at doing when they are puppies but life gets in the way and we get out of the habit of it. For me, mental stimulation, is where we are getting the dog to problem solve or something that involves active thinking. Such as, teaching something new or increasing the difficulty of something they already know well. Easy examples could just be daily training and teaching new things. It could be a simple as perfecting that ‘leave it’ so you could throw a whole chicken on the floor. Or improving that stay up to the point where you can go out the room and shut the door, make a noise and return. Of course we can do more advanced things like an agility classes etc, however, do not underestimate the power of basic training to teach something new at home. Trick training can also be a fun thing for you both to do! The way I like to look at providing for our dogs in these areas when it comes to separation training, is that it acts as an outlet for the dog which in turn can reduce stress as their needs have been met in more areas. We talk about threshold a lot, look at threshold as a cup. Anything that goes on in your dog’s day that causes stress, we’re going to be adding water to the cup. The more we provide for dogs in other areas, such as enrichment and stimulation, we’re going to be tipping some (not all) of that water back out. Therefore meaning our dogs are in a better position to cope with training. #seperationanxiety #separationanxietytraining #separationanxietydog #separationanxietytips #separationanxietyisreal #separationanxietydogtraining #dogtrainersoftiktok #dogbehaviourist #anxiousdogs #dogbehaviourawareness #anxiousdog #puppyseparationanxiety #dogtrainingtips #anxiousdogsoftiktok #dogseparationanxiety