I’m sure many of you can relate to the constant struggle of feeling torn between keeping your business afloat and being the best Mum! Sometimes it feels like walking a tightrope whilst juggling! Your are not alone, over the years I’ve been so hard on my self but I’m starting to slow down and learn. So here’s some of my tips! Lesson 1: Embrace the Power of Time ⏰ Learning to prioritize and manage your time effectively is key. Get the most important things done first and anything else that isn’t that important can wait until tomorrow. Lesson 2: Delegate and Outsource! 📥 As an entrepreneur we think we have to handle every single aspect of our business. But here’s the truth – you don’t and you can’t! I have to constantly remind myself other people have parents who take on the grandparent role, sadly I just haven’t got that, my parents both passed away and my Mother in law works really long hours through out the night so has to sleep during the day. I know if I had a little more help I could get so much more done. Ps my sanity might be a little clearer and my house tidy! Of course there is nursery but that can be expensive. I would say if you have friends and family who say they want to help take them up on it! Lesson 3: Give Yourself Permission to Pause ⏸️ We often put pressure on ourselves to be the perfect businesswoman and super-mum. But remember, you’re only human. Allow yourself to recharge and enjoy your children, and It doesn’t even have to be anything fancy today we parked on the top of the car park roof and did a silly dance then got a £1 elf truck from the market and a donut from Greggs! Lesson 4: Progress, Not Perfection! 🌟 Sometimes, we get caught up in the whirlwind of comparison. We see others balancing everything and we can’t help but doubt ourselves. But everyone’s journey is unique! Embrace your own path it’s not a race! So, Mums remind yourself that you are doing an incredible job! It may feel relentless at times, but with resilience and a sprinkle of self-love, you’ll conquer it! #mumsandbusiness #balancingbusinessandfamily #entrepreneurmums #workmumbalance