Im finally back! Make sure to follow for more siren content. 😁 | Credits: Montecat33 on YouTube, make sure to follow him! | #tornadosirenhunting #creepy #siren #chicagosiren #relatable #eows612 #real #tornadosiren
Which one sounds the best? 😨 | follow my 2nd account @Lucas | Credits: StormWarning04, TheSirenGeek, and Montecat33 on YouTube | #tornadosirenhunting #creepy #siren #loud #tornadosiren #chicagosiren #relatable #onthisday
What siren should I do next? 🤔 | Credits: SuperSirex127 and Glist on YouTube. Make sure to follow them! | #tornadosirenhunting #creepy #siren #onthisday #loud #tornadosiren #chicagosiren #relatable