Bokashi is a Japanese word which means “fading away”. You can just use 2 old buckets and start fermenting your food scraps without smell, or pests and you can compost almost anything! TOOLS: 2 x old buckets 1 x drill 1 x flat drill bit 1 x 0.8 size drill bit 1 x spigot 1 x cheesecloth or similar Bokashi bran STEP BY STEP: - Drill a hole at the base of one of the buckets using your flat drill bits (I used a 14 mm but it depends on the spigot size) - Fit your spigot in the hole and secure it in place - Drill holes at the bottom of your second bucket using a 0.8 size drill bit - Slide the buckets with holes at the bottom inside your bucket with the spigot - Place your cheesecloth inside and start layering bokashi bran, food scraps and so on - Fill up the bucket and once full, leave it to ferment for 10-12 days - Drain the liquid using your spigot every 2-3 days - Donate the solids to any friend, family or community garden to bury in the garden NOTE: The liquid can be used to water your plants or even to remove algae and/or faulty smell from your drainage. Wait 3 weeks before planting plants over your buried food scraps. Make sure to add bokashi bran for every layer of food scraps. #fyp #foryoupage #contentcreator #bokashi #compost #zerowaste #reuse #diy #ecofriendly #zerowastetiktok #recycle
Duration: 31 sPosted : Fri, 11 Aug 2023 17:38:59Views