Dogs are so extremely resilient that it is mind-blowing. Imagine being hit by a train, losing your foot, having head trauma, and still just hanging in there like a trooper. I can’t get over how strong Juggernaut is. Yesterday, Juggs transported to the surgeon’s hospital. Today, they updated that he is hanging in there and doing as well as can be expected. He is in a lot of pain even with being heavily medicated. He’s a little nervous about human touch, but we can’t blame him at all. Life is scary right now for this sweet boy. As long as he remains stable enough, he will have the damaged leg amputated today. I continue to only share the censored photos, but the trauma was awful and his poor leg is beyond repair. Come on, Juggs, I can’t wait to see you thrive! #CFFjuggernaut #caitiesfosterfam