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We had a special guest a bookclub last night. Please say hello to Remi. #NewPuppy #Remi #BookClub #SpecialGuest #IndieBookstore #SayHello #Puppy #BigEyes #AKC #BurneseMountainDog #HarrisburgPa #BurneseMountainDogPuppy
Just a little closer... #MaineCoonCat #CatTree #TurkishAngoraCat #PrinceFluffytail #CupboardMakerBooks #CatBookstore #MouseTheBookstoreCat #OdinTheBookstoreCat #TheMightyOdin #AlmostThere
I have Lloyd & Harry all cleaned up and ready for your visit today. The kittens can't wait to see you. - Odin, The Kitten Whisperer #RescueKittens #LloydAndHarry #KittenWhisperer #CatBookstore #TurkishAngoraCat #TheMightyOdin #OdinTheBookstoreCat