grwm for the day & lets catch up!! so many things going on rn and i love it #grwmroutine #grwmmakeup #makeuproutine #everydaymakeup #chattygrwm #chitchatgrwm @PHLAIR @Tower 28 Beauty @Kosas @Glow Recipe @Rare Beauty @Benefit Cosmetics
this is the cleanest it gets for me #grwmroutine #grwmmakeup #makeuproutine #makeupasmr #makeupsounds @REFY @Tower 28 Beauty @Glossier @Kaja Beauty @Charlotte Tilbury @Benefit Cosmetics @Rare Beauty @Marylia Scott Cosmetics
how to contour your lips with any brown lip liner (my fav lip combo of all time) #lipcontour #lipshape #lipcombotutorial #lipcombo @Glossier @Benefit Cosmetics @Charlotte Tilbury