“Koukiatsu Girl (High Pressure Girl) by Tatsuro Yamashita (1983). We are in Hawaii now🌴 #citypop #jpop #japaneaesong #beachsong #山下達郎 #tatsuroyamashita
“Dandan kokoro hikareteku 〜 Dragon Ball GT Opening” by Field Of View (1996) My favorote anime was Dr.Slump by Akira Toriyama - Thank you Mr. Toriyama for makimg manga great for the world🙏 #animesong #jpop #akiratoriyama #dragonball #shuffledance
“Fragile” by Tatsuro Yamashita (1998) I was dancing while waiting for the traffic light. No one was watching me so it was perfect for me😁 #citypop #jpop #tatsuroyamashita #shuffledance