Hi. Sorry it’s been a while. I dont know where i’ve been. Hockey, probably. I had a bout of the sads, and that comes pretty often around this time of year. I wasnt sure what to do, so I sat down and wrote out what was bothering me. Imagine my surprise when “basement” was at the top of my list. We have been trying to get this done for a month now and its been really frustrating to say the least. I just want more room, and more storage so the rest of the stuff has a home. Things don’t always go our way, and this is a pretty minor inconvenience. I’m happy to report I have one lonely load of laundry waiting for me downstairs. One. Not 7. That in itself is remarkable. Am i feeling better? A bit. I know the laundry wasnt some magical fix for feeling down, but it did help a bit. Having a clean room helps too. Baby steps! Everything is still in baskets at the moment, because I wanted to move the kids to their new rooms first. Since that’s on the backburner, come back if you want to see how i plan on organizing that. #laundry