
Compassionate Love Sketch. He endured, so that you could be saved. So that His inheritance would be yours. He paid the highest price for you. He will not fail you. Keep pressing on and know He is with you until the end of days. #jesus#yeshua#kingofkings#redeemer#redemption#hope#encouragment#scripture#artandscripture#holyspirit#sketchofjesus#jesusdrawing#artofjesus#charcoal#charcoaldrawing#charcoaldrawingofjesus#jesusartYeshua

Duration: 25 sPosted : Fri, 23 Jun 2023 01:52:39

















“The Art of Surrender” His goodness constantly overwhelms me, overtakes me and catches the attention of my heart. I find myself asking Him...”why? Why are you so good to me? How is it that your love chases me down, captivates me and renders me completely surrendered, completely yours? How is it that you see all the imperfections of my heart, the shortcomings of my thoughts the sins of life and yet, you stare me straight in the eyes and say I will show you my kindness, I will show you favor, I will show you my love and I will overcome you with my goodness. In your brokenness I will shower you with blessings, and I will use your life to draw the broken hearts of many. Watch and see what I will do” All of my days speak of how unworthy I am of His Goodness, and yet, my unworthiness is the backdrop of how great His love truly is. He took upon Himself the shortcomings of us all, just so that we could be close to Him and know His love. His restoration has brought a flood of life into our very souls and illuminates His image in us all. His sacrifice has made a bridge for the broken to walk right on over to wholeness. ...I will always remain...yours. 🤍 🎵 Beautiful song by @Zoe Levert #christiangirl #christiantiktok #healingjourney #jesussaves #jesuslovesyou #christianmusic
Vanessa Horabuena
11 months_ago
The Shroud of Turin is a centuries-old relic widely believed to be the burial cloth of Jesus. One of the most fascinating things that I have learned in studying the Shroud of Turin, is that scientists have concluded that the only thing that could have burnt the bloodstains into the cloth in such a manner…. is light. A light not from outside the cloth, but a blast of radiant light from within. A light from Heaven that signifies the very moment of Resurrection - a divine light that brought life back into Jesus’ lifeless body. That Resurrection Light is the same light that transforms our lives, when the old passes away, and a new life becomes ours as we accept Jesus into our hearts. This reminds me of one of my favorite scriptures given to me by the youth leader who led me to the Lord: “You are the light of the world, a city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on a stand and it gives light to the whole household. In the same way let your light shine upon all men. That they might see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven.” — Matthew 5:14 #c#christiantokc#christiantiktok#c#christianityj#jesusiskingc#christianitytiktokc#christianc#christianartistf#fypf#foryouj#jesustokj#jesusj#jesuslovesyouj#jesuschristj#jesusteamag#godisgoodf#faitha#amenc#childofgodh#hallelujahc#christianmusicm#musicw#worshipw#worshipmusicc#christiangirlbibleverse
Vanessa Horabuena
11 months_ago
He is the greatest love story this world will ever know. I pray this painting reminds you of how dear you are to Him. He loves you more than you could ever know. 🤍 #art #christ #scripture #jesus #bible #faith #worship #christo
Vanessa Horabuena
11 months_ago
May we celebrate everyday what Jesus did for us! Taking our sins upon that cross, dying for us, and rising again. We are called to walk in victory!!! To walk in tandem with the Holy Spirit, to take territory, to raise disciples, to make a difference. Jesus didn’t come to bring peace but to bring a sword… So I ask you this question…Are you fighting with all of your being in this Spiritual battle? Are you connected to the heart beat of Heaven, seeking to bring the will of the Father on this earth? It’s what we are called to do. Not to conform to the ways of the world…but to be transformed by the heart of God and to be His hands and feet on this earth. Jesus died and rose again for so much more than for us to live a comfortable, mediocre lifestyle of consumerism and complacency. He died that you would bring the fire of Heaven and to trample on the works of Satan through how you live your life. My challenge for you is to remind the enemy of the fate that is certainly ahead of him and lead as many people as you possibly can to Jesus! #christiantok #christiantiktok #christianity #jesusisking #christianitytiktok #christian #christianartist #fyp #foryou #jesustok #jesus #jesuslovesyou #jesuschrist #jesusteama #godisgood #faith #amen #childofgod #hallelujah #christianmusic #music #worship #worshipmusic #christiangirl #faithful
Vanessa Horabuena
11 months_ago
For Christ did not enter into a holy place made with human hands, which was only a copy of the true one in heaven. He entered into heaven itself to appear now before God on our behalf. And he did not enter heaven to offer himself again and again, like the high priest here on earth who enters the Most Holy Place year after year with the blood of an animal. If that had been necessary, Christ would have had to die again and again, ever since the world began. But now, once for all time, he has appeared at the end of the age to remove sin by his own death as a sacrifice. — Hebrews 9:24-26 #fyp #foryou #christian #christiantiktok #arttok #jesustok #God #Jesus #allglorytogod #faith #hallelujah #amen #childofgod #music #lambofgod #resurrection #worship #jesuslovesyou #KingJesus #christianmusic #speedpaint @gavn!
Vanessa Horabuena
11 months_ago