Each person’s experience with exercise and lifting prior to pregnancy is completely different, so an exact weight limit across the entire population of pregnant women is not an accurate guideline. I know there are women that are high risk and with certain health conditions who are advised not to workout for safety reasons. You have to do what is best for you and baby. 🫶🏼 Me personally, I am healthy, I worked out for years and years consistently prior to pregnancy and built a strong foundation, so I am continuing to do so. The key to remember: ✨I’m not training to my max - what I lift is relative to me so you shouldn’t compare weight used. ✨I’m not training at the intensity I used too. ✨I’m practising correct breathing techniques to support my pelvic floor. ✨If something feels uncomfortable or just not right - I take it out. Eg I HATE leg press right now so prefer to do other exercises. Pregnancy doesn’t mean a disability or you are injured/broken. There are sooooooo many benefits of exercise and also maintaining your strength/muscle mass! #28weekspregnant #activepregnancy #pregnancy #fitpregnancy #pregnancyjourney #girlswholift