Getting to show day😤 For 5 years I had been trying to compete & it just never worked out… First prep - got such a bad relationship with food I cried driving past restaurants so I quit… Last three - Covid kept cancelling or bumping and it never lined up and I was so over preps I stopped for almost 2 years.. This prep🙏🏻 I knew I was mentally and physically ready to make it happen! Placements to me weren’t my priority but man oh man am I ever excited that I left with a metal & so many incredible memories❤️ Top 5 in novice Second place in open D And A LOT of happiness & fulfillment🙏🏻 It was hard but I did it💪🏼 Have the best frickin day ever💛💛💛 Be kind🌸 #kofitcrew #gymgirlsoftiktok #gymgirlshit #gymmotivation #fitnessmotivation #bikiniprep #bikinicompetitor #bikinicompetitionjourney