Once I changed the method of how I decluttered, that's when I actually started making progress in our home. I used to get so overwhelmed when I would attempt to declutter. My process used to look like this: Attempt to declutter an entire room at once, pull everything out, panic, waste so much time trying to figure out where to start, maybe get rid of a thing or two, and then give up and have to put everything back. So I would waste an entire day without making any progress and end up so discouraged thinking I couldn't ever actually declutter our home. Now my process looks like this: I use my Room Break Down list to list out small sections that will take ideally 15-30 minutes each, so one drawer or cabinet at a time. Then I work through each one, from start to finish. I like to try to do one a day so it doesn't get too overwhelming and I'm making consistent progress. I follow the same 5 steps as I declutter each area. And now with this system I don't get too overwhelmed and I'm able to continuously be making progress towards a home that truly serves our family well in this season of life! #declutter #decluttering #declutteringtips #declutterwithme #cleanwithme #homeorganization #declutteryourlife #declutteringformentalhealth #howtodeclutter #momlife #kitchenorganization #spicecabinet #organizedhome #cleaningroutines