I don’t usually make fitness based content, but I love the fitness industry and discovering new products. Heroboard was showing up on all my social media, and after watching some of the on-demand video demonstrations I knew I had to see for myself if this product lived up to all the hype. After trying Heroboard for a couple weeks I realized how much it added to my own fitness routine, and it quickly became a product I was using daily. It’s so versatile that it can be used for advanced moves or even simple stretching. I value my reputation and respect from my followers, which is why I only partner with products that I love. I reached out to Heroboard to become an Affiliate because I know this product will take your fitness routine to the next level. It is making me stronger every day and I look forward to showing you more ways to use it! Also check out the training resources on their site to see more exercises. @Heroboard #fitness #pilates