Back to the gym after 2.5weeks and always looking forwards to seeing my progress and then my bathtime after l'm done! And this is a Public Service Announcement... but seriously, wash your face ASAP after working out especially with a daily gentle cleanser like MINS to thoroughly cleanse and dislodge the pores from debris, sweat, and oil to prevent breakouts! #workout #fitafter40 #womenwholift #brownpaperpackagesbyquin #sombyquin #sommillionstars #som1singapore #som1teamaspire🇸🇬🔥 #minsskinbyquin #minsampoulemask #skincare #skincareproducts #skincaretips #skincarecommunity #beautytips #beautyroutine #beautymalaysia #beautysingapore #beautysg #reels #reelsinstagram #igsg #sgbeauty #hairskin #skin #mask #healthylivingsg #feelgoodsg #som1singapore #tiktokshopfindsbyquin