Repost from gram: Changing my mindset about dancing has to be one of the biggest contributors to my improvement 🤩 (as a person and a dancer) I used to think I was the coolest guy around 😎 and go out with the mindset I was always one of the best dancers there (what an idiot 😭😂) Now I try to treat every dance as an opportunity to get creative and pick up something new from the person I’m dancing with, because there is absolutely something to be learned from every dance! This doesn’t mean to not think your dancing is good! As long as it’s not too good to learn from others :) if me back then saw me dance now he would probably say he could keep up with me😭😂- so glad that part of me (and my dancing) has changed lol #countrydance #country #dance #dancer #partnerdance #twostep #freestyle #progressive #countryswing #swingdance