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Come see a Wilson cloud chamber in uranium turning into thorium. #tiktokstem #live #stem #learnontiktok #science #cloudchamber #cosmicrays #quantumphysics #neutrinos
Come see the eclipse live from Denver Colorado You will see up to 65% of the Sun blocked by the moon. #eclipse2024 #sun #solar #live #astronerds #stem #eclipse
I hope you've learned by now the Earth isn't flat and if you just learned it I'm so proud of you. #flatearth @Dr. Blitz @Francis O’Neill @Level Devil @Chardok @Sal @Dazzleshine @Puer Siderum @GlobeEarthLaura
Join my live and see galaxies live through this telescope and learn about the wonderful universe we all observe and we are the universe observing the universe. #astronomy #live #stem #galaxy #astronerds process by @Dazzleshine