WHAT AN EPIC OPPORTUNITY… The Arlington Fire Department held its Firefighter entrance exam at Globe Life Field, home of the World Champion Texas Rangers. For 1016 applicants, this marks the beginning of the journey to become an Arlington Firefighter. This highly competitive process starts the same for everyone – a choice and a decision to show up. Often referred to as the best job in the world, all who serve understand it’s the greatest privilege… #arlingtonfiredepartment #arlingtontx #arlingtonfirehire #arlingtonfirerescue #becomeafirefighter #firefighterlife #arlingtofdhiring #joinourteam #thisopporunity #FireRecruitment
#JoinTheFireDepartment #FirefighterJobs #FirefighterRecruitment #FirefighterLife #FirefighterTraining #FirefighterCommunity #PublicSafety #EmergencyServices #FirstResponders #FirefighterCareer #FirefightingHeroes #ServeAndProtect #firefighterChallenge #FirefighterAcademy #Firefighter Training #FirefighterDuties #FirefighterLife #HeroesinUniform #BraveEveryday