My Manifestation Tool is my Business Journal. We journal about our personal selves, why not do the same for your business. Here are the 5 ways that it helps me daily. 1. It allows me to get my daily thought and ideas out of my head and in one place. 2. When I write it, I speak it and let it be known that I want it. 3. It holds me accountable for all of my actions. 4. It helps me to keep fear from finding its place in my life and taking space. 5. It guides me to visualize what I want in my life for the next 30 days. What is written is real. The words that you say out of your mouth hold power and set intention. This Business Planner is not like any planner out there. I created this with great intention so that you have a digital thought partner in business. Grab Yours Now. It’s available as a digital download or a hard copy in the link in my bio. Digital Planner Business Planner Manifestation Planner Daily Journal Daily Journaling Business Journal Prompts Small Business Journal My Business Journal Black Journal Business Digital Business Journal Journal For Business Best Business Journal Influencer Journal #fyp #dailyjournal #dailyjournaling #dailyplanner #journalingideas