Sky, you are the most patient dog I’ve ever had in my entire life. You are a very obedient one, you only gives us your genuine love, why did you left us so soon? You’re just 9 years old… I will remember you Sky always, you will never be forgotten, you don’t know how much it hurts. I will remember you as a dog who likes to have a belly rub, you snore when you sleep, you likes going out and run, sometimes I will let you go out and while I am outside and when you saw me walking you will run to me and we will run back home together, when we are inside our house, whenever I say “Sky baba!”, “Sky labas!”, you obediently follow my instructions, you don’t enter my room unless I allow you, you respect my privacy, and whenever I let you in inside my room, you will just lay down because you like airconditioning. Sky, I will miss you Sky ko, I will miss your random bark, I will miss you. I’m sorry I was not there to see you in your last moments. I love you Skylar.