Fun facts about female Arwana/Arowana fish Female Arowana fish, also known as Dragon fish, are fascinating creatures that exhibit unique behaviors when it comes to giving birth. Unlike most fish species, female Arowanas are mouthbrooders, meaning they carry their fertilized eggs in their mouths until they hatch. During the mating process, the male Arowana fertilizes the eggs, after which the female carefully collects them in her mouth to protect them from predators. The female Arowana will then incubate the eggs for several weeks, during which time she will not eat to ensure the safety of her offspring. Once the eggs hatch, the female will continue to carry the fry in her mouth for a period of time, providing them with protection and nourishment. Eventually, the fry will become independent enough to swim on their own, at which point the female will release them into the water. This unique reproductive strategy showcases the incredible maternal instincts and care that female Arowana fish exhibit in the wild. #MarineLife #FishTank #AquaticAnimals #UnderwaterWorld #OceanLife #Fishkeeping #AquariumLife #SaltwaterFish #FreshwaterAquarium #CoralReef