This song is called “baraye”. Written and sang by @ shervinine on Instagram. He got arr£sted for days, just because of singing and sharing it. They made him remove the song after that. This song is made by the tweets of Iranian people on why they are currently trying to f!ght for their country and get it back from the cru£l regime. It’s also candidate for a Grammy Award, remember to vote for it as long as you can because it will would make a huge difference.There is a huge story behind each one of these tweets that u probably have no idea about. People in iran are still fight!ng on the streets. Soon, I will fully explain the story behind each sentence in this song and why it makes all of us Iranians cry each time we hear it. This r£volution is not over yet. Stay with us and try to help us through it. For the sake of all the young souls that are not with us anymore, because they were brave enough to f!ght for freedom. #mahsaamini #iranprotests2022 #opiran