“Out of 10, this is an 11! So unique, you won’t smell like anyone” Fragheads are loving the nostaglia with the first suman-inspired fragrance, the GP Memoires de Montagne. 1,000+ sold in a week! Get yours now.✨
How would you describe Vieux Papier? ✨ #vieuxpapier #DreamersCollection #PhilippinePride #LocalFragrance #FragCon2024 #GregParilla #PhilippinePride" #NoahFragrances
A fragrance that speaks in whispers but leaves a lasting impression. Effortlessly elegant, undeniably powerful." ✨💼 #QuietLuxury #DreamersCollection #vieuxpapier #ProudlyPinoy
Smell like quiet luxury. For those who move in silence—but leave a lasting impression. ✨💼#OldMoneyScent #NicheFragrance #vieuxpapier #DreamersCollection #ProudlyPinoy