Que desafio 🔥 Foram exatas 15 horas para transformar esse cabelo 😱 Alisar cabelos naturais já exige muita técnica e responsabilidade, porém quando o assunto é uma fibra já saturada por outras químicas o nível de dificuldade aumenta demais 😱 E você faria esse alinhamento com segurança? Me conta nos comentários 🗣️ English What a challenge with Select Brazilian Protein🔥 It took exactly 15 hours to transform the hair. Straightening natural hair already requires a lot of skill and responsibility, but when it comes to hair that’s already saturated with other chemicals, the level of difficulty increases significantly 😱. ✅ Benefits Collagen Protein Smoothing System ☑️ Nano Hair Repair Repair Moisturizing Shine Hair Easy Application Single Step 💙 Composition Lact acid Hyaluronic acid Collagen Argan Oil Coconut oil Would you do this straightening safely? Let me know in the comments 🗣️. #keratin #keratintreatment #brazilianprotein #progressiva #alisamento #crespoalisado #cabelocrespo #collagenprotein #shinehair #lisoperfeito #straighteninghair #cabeloliso