Raw reaction to getting my Invisalign ☠️ - 40 for 40 Series I honestly haven’t seen anyone post about their experience with getting Invisalign and I honestly don’t think I was mentally prepared for what I was gonna experience right after getting them installed. I did Invisalign years ago when I know my bottom teeth were shifting and at that point, they weren’t too bad and I was able to get them strained out within a couple months. I then forgot to use my last tray religiously and my teeth ended up shifting, and I didn’t go back to get a new tray. Here I am today where my teeth have shifted a lot more and so the new plan is wearing these trays for about a year or more and with it I wanted to try to widen my smile as much as I could. When I was growing up, I had an expander and retainer because my top teeth were pretty straight, but unfortunately at that time, they didn’t widen my top teeth enough in my personal opinion. so my last experience with them as Line I didn’t have any of these buttons or clicks in order to secure them Invisalign and so I don’t know if that has evolved over the years or just because of the current status of my teeth. This appointment lasted an hour, where little dots are placed and just about every teeth in order to have your Invisalign click in. It’s a very weird feeling in the beginning. For the most part, they aren’t very noticeable except for the ones that are on my canines because they really do push out my lips and the first week. They were very painful. You get wax which I would recommend wearing the wax 24 seven for that first week while your mouth gets used to it so that you don’t get any sores. I was lucky not to get any sores. They think it was because I just decided to constantly be wearing that wax cause I just felt so much better even though it did look crazy. I am now a little over a month wearing them and I’m no longer going off the deep end, but it definitely is Time-consuming and something that you’re kind of constantly thinking about because you can’t just be drinking anything with sugar or that has stuff in it or if you wanna snack it’s kind of a whole ordeal in order to take out your Invisalign. You wanna make sure after each time you eat that you Also brush your teeth. Follow along for more in my 40 for 40 series. #i#invisalign4#40for40series4#40s#skincarea#antiagingr#richladyproblemsr#relatablet#teethf#fsafundso#orthodontist