The best mobility exercises 👇 1️⃣ The Ultimate Full-Body Stretch This extensive stretch routine reaches every major muscle group, particularly those prone to tightness from extended periods of sitting. It incorporates a blend of dynamic movements and stationary holds, making it ideal for both pre-workout warm-ups and post-exercise cool-downs. 2️⃣ Pigeon Pose Variation The Pigeon pose isn’t solely focused on stretching the glutes of the front leg. It's a versatile hip opener and forward fold. This pose not only lengthens the quads and stretches the hip flexors but also engages the rotators and outer hips through rotational movements, counteracting the effects of prolonged sedentary behavior. 3️⃣ Supine Cross-Body Stretch This stretching technique targets both the upper and lower body, releasing tension in the chest and shoulders to enhance posture and chest expansion. Additionally, it addresses tightness in the quads, alleviating issues such as lower back and knee discomfort while rectifying muscular imbalances. Remember ‼️ These mobility exercises are advanced and demanding, so ensure you're properly warmed up before attempting them! P.S. Remember, opinions on effectiveness may vary! 🤪 * #mobility #mobilitydrills #fullbodymovement #functionalfitness #mobilityexercises #dailyactivities #flexibility #stretching #movementtherapy #mobilityworkout #mobilitytraining