Regular eye exams are crucial for identifying issues such as cataracts, glaucoma or progressive retinal atrophy. OFA eye exams are done by a vet who specialized in ophthalmology. The first test the ophthalmologist performs is with a slip lamp. A slip lamp looks at the front of the eye, including the eyelids, conjunctiva, cornea, sclera, iris, lens, and parts of the vitreous. The second test, referred to as indirect opthalmascope assesses the back of the eye and identifies things such as cataracts! We approach the eye exam with utmost seriousness, and if a dog doesn’t pass, they aren’t included in our breeding program. While it’s tough to hear such news, our commitment is to enhance the golden retriever breed. These decisions, though difficult, contribute to improving the overall health of the breed, aligning with our goal for continuous improvement. We can’t wait to introduce to you one of our new girls who passed all of her final health testing!