A question often comes up in conversations and podcast interviews is, “how are you so consistent with content creation, with kids and a full life?” This comes up so often, I’ll be dedicating a whole module to go deeper into the energetics of content and social media whenever I do open a 6-week container specifically for Heart-led entrepreneurs, later this year (more on that next month). The truth is, my goal isn’t to show up here consistently. I keep my Heart and mind open to what comes through, and I never know what it’s gonna be until it’s literally taking shape. But it definitely wasn’t always this way. Four years ago, my relationship with social media fundamentally shifted from one of obligation and pressure, to one of ease and flow. I had this aha moment when I recognized my creative inspiration was a reflection of my capacity for Love, joy, ease, and pleasure. 🤯 Beautiful sacral chakra themed stuff. For years now, the question I ask the universe when I sit to let the message take form is, “what do you want to say through me today?” ❌NOT “what’s trending?” ❌NOT “what do I think people need to hear/know?” ❌NOT “what’s something within my expertise I’m expected to educate others on?” There’s no more sitting and staring at a blank screen, taking an hour or more to craft a post. No more scrolling through my feed to look for ideas. No more painstakingly looking through notes to come up with content. And no more sense of obligation to come up with something just to put a post out. If it doesn’t happen that day, I honor that, too. And you know what…I’m consistently surprised by what comes through, FOR ME as much as it is for YOU. The deeper thing here is, when you’re tapped in to the Source, connected to your womb wisdom, and no longer fighting against to your own unique design, you get to discover what form this is all meant to take in your own life. Not based on what I, or anyone else, is doing— but based on what is right for YOU. To me, this form of expressing and using my voice is an act of devotion to Love. It’s stretched me beyond my comfort zone again and again, and expanded me in ways I wouldn’t have expected a few years ago. Who’s with me on this? How do you experience these platforms, and how has it supported you in your own expansion + reclaiming and using your voice? Love you, Wild Ones. ❤️🔥 For more to support you on your journey, visit my bio link for courses and coaching…and stay tuned for more on this new live 6-week coaching container. ✨ #feminineembodiment #feminineenergy #embodiment #wildfeminine #consciousrelating #wildwoman #spiritualjourney #selflovejourney #divinefeminjneenergy #fyp