As we know, cold sores are caused by the herpes virus and many people have herpes without even knowing it. More than half of the population carry the oral herpes virus. Babies will find it difficult to fight off the virus and it can get worse very quickly. Neonatal herpes is a herpes infection in a young baby. The younger the baby, the more vulnerable they are to the harmful effects of the infection. The herpes simplex virus can be passed to a baby through a cold sore if a person has a cold sore and kisses the baby. Do not let anyone kiss your newborn’s mouth, even if they don’t look like they have a cold sore as a majority of the population carries the virus. And, if someone has a cold sore, ask them to stay away until it has gone. #coldsores #newborn #healthtips #herpesawareness #herpes #hsv1 #hsv2 #thewhizdoc