You can borrow against your cash value through a policy loan or withdraw cash value tax free! When you die, your beneficiaries receive a death benefit, but the death benefit amount will be reduced by any loans not paid back or withdrawals you've taken from the cash value. They also receive the funds tax free! Life insurance buyers have many options, from the straightforward insurance of term life to investment-driven policies such as indexed universal life insurance. Is investment-focused life insurance right for you? We look at the inner workings of indexed universal life insurance so you can see if it's the best life insurance for your needs. You can typically choose from one or several indices, depending on the insurance company. most IUL products also offer a fixed (declared) interest rate option in addition to the index-linked investment. #fyp #iul #insurance #livingbenefits #financialfreedom #financialmindset #smallbusinessowner #taxfreeincome #angiedunnn #thingstheydontwantyoutoknow