FAKE PROP- Part 1 for making Nausicaa’s Pew Pew from the anime Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind! This was a fast and fun build and the best part is it comes apart into two pieces for transportation! For making it, I used my @glowforge to cut all the pieces using 2, 4 and 10mm HD foam. I then glued and sanded the pieces to shape. For the connection pieces, I used CPVC pipe which I used @CosTools_Official Holes Drills to cut the hole for the pipe as well as @SUREBONDER hot glue to attach in place. Make sure to check out my Website to get Nausicaa patterns to help you make your own build! #nausicaa #nausicaaofthevalleyofthewind #nausicaacosplay #pewpew #prop #cos #cosplay #evafoamprops #evafoam #hdfoam #glowforge #glowforgecreations #anime #animecosplay #animegirl #studioghibli #studioghiblicosplay #handmadecosplay #propmaking #tgc #tiffanygordoncosplay