Well this job was short of a nightmare for me. I got called out to a suspicion of a beehive near the chimney of this mansion. The owner didn't know they had a problem until her roofer went up to check for leaks and happened to bump into the bees by sheer chance. _______ โฉ Follow โช for more information, don't forget to โค๏ธโค๏ธ ******** Continue Reading โคต๏ธ Luckily this owner wanted things to not only be done right but also have the bees saved! I had to get on the roof and remove tile and locate the hive. Originally I expected the hive in the chimney but after inspection, found the bees in the roof. As you can see I had to open a lot of roof to be able to remove the entire colony. It was definitely there for a few years, so I had work cutout for me on the edge of this roof, high up. Save the Bees! .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. #beetok #savethebees #beekeeper #bees #nature #animals #dirtyjobs #insects #beeremoval #honeycomb #socal