Sept. 7, 2020: I was going through an old journal entry and found this. I didn’t even start posting on social media yet. This was written 3 months before my very first video and at the end of the most unhealthy relationship I’ve ever been in. I was tired from trying to communicate and getting stonewalled, trying to address my needs/boundaries and getting gaslit, to where I’d end up even more confused because I’d always end up consoling her when I’d address my own concerns. I felt emotionally unsafe, and unsure of the direction of where my relationship was going. I couldn’t communicate it because I’d get shut down. Moral of the story is: if you have to resort to journaling about it because you aren’t given the space to communicate effectively, it’s probably not the relationship/person for you lol #selfworth #selfworthtiktok #selfworthmatters #selfworthiseverything