My birth experience was everything I hoped it would be this time. Although the lead up was a little chaotic, once I actually arrived at the hospital everything went so smoothly. I ended up delivering 2 weeks before my scheduled c section date. When I went to my 36 week appointment, I mentioned to my doctor that I had been feeling itchy lately. She sent me to get some blood testing right then to make sure there wasn’t something serious causing it. Turns out, there was. I tested positive for choleostasis of pregnancy, a liver issue that can be very harmful to the baby, especially later in pregnancy. I would need to deliver at 37 weeks. I got the diagnosis on a Monday afternoon, we spent the next 48 hours preparing and enjoying all the quality time we could with Grace. That Wednesday, at 37 weeks, I was in the operating room. She was born healthy, and although the NICU team was on standby it wasn’t needed. I was able to hold her soon after birth. The intense bliss of finally holding my baby in my arms was overwhelming, and my pain was managed much better than my previous c section so I was able to experience the magic hour after birth of skin to skin and bonding and breastfeeding. It was beautiful. I’m so grateful to my birth team- my doctor, the nurses, my husband, my mom, and my best friend Kenzie- who all did what they could to get my daughter here safely, and support me in the birth and postpartum recovery process. The c- section and recovery this time has been night and day compared to my first, which was unscheduled and came after a failed induction and 60 hours of labor. Everything came easier. Everything was calmer. My fear and anxiety were so much lower, and without the rush of an unscheduled c section I was able to advocate for myself and my baby, and communicate my priorities for postpartum recovery and bonding. It was blissful, healing even, and I’m so so happy. #birthstory #csection #postpartum