Thank you so much @Moonlight Betta for such a cute fish 😭 I highly recommend going to their shop guys, especially if youre looking for kois aliens or halfmoons 😍😍 #fishtok #bettafish #betta #koibetta #plantedtank #candykoi #galaxykoi #cutefish
Hope this helps someone starting on their planted tank journey! ❤️ I highly recommend @Reef ‘s video on plant fertilizer to help you choose which brand to use. Its also in my reposts! #fishtok #plantedtank #fishtank #tropicalfish #fishkeeping #aquascape #aquariumplants #freshwaterfishtank #fishkeepingtips #fishkeepinglife
Yall im so sorry i have not been posting because i have been out of ideas 😂😂 hopefully these new tanks give me ✨inspiration✨ #fishtok #plantedtank #pygmycories #breedingproject #fish #fishtank
I’m so excited i hope they breed 🥰 they still have some maturing to do though thats for sure! #breedingproject #fishbreeding #biotopeaquarium #amazonfish #tropicalfish #blackwater #blackwatertank