Just over one year ago, I did this photoshoot with my friend Kelsie to capture my HUGE twin pregnant belly. Little did I know... 3 days later, my water would break and I would go into early labor. And meet my babies 4 hours after that 😭❤️ It made me so grateful I chose to get in front of the camera this week because it literally was my LAST opportunity to get photos of myself pregnant. Watching these video clips (that I’ve never posted before) had me reminiscing about this season of life 🥲 so magical yet challenging and exciting in so many ways. So many big changes about to happen. And way sooner than I was expecting. 🤣 It makes me SO GRATEFUL I made getting in front of the camera a priority, something I still do to this day. The days pass by so fast and I want to be sure to capture each season well. 💛 Here’s your challenge to GET THOSE PHOTOS!!! You never know when it will be your last chance before the next milestone comes... whether your baby is here, your toddler moves on from the crawling stage and starts walking, or they start saying their first words... capture it all NOW before it changes because it will in a blink 🥹