How to maximize this credit: If you have a spouse or a common-law partner, all medical expenses should be reported on the tax return of the person with the lower net income. This is because you must subtract the lesser of $2,635 or 3% of the net income, so it’s more beneficial if that net income is lower. For example, if one person has a net income of $100,000 and another has $50,000, you will only need to subtract $1,500 from medical expenses, instead of $2,635. Do not report medical expenses individually, as this would result in subtracting that amount (either $2,635 or 3% of net income) twice. #Canadiantax #tax #taxtok #canada #taxstrategy #taxplanning #taxadvice #cpa #big4 #pwc #deloitte #kpmg #ey #mnp #tfsa #rrsp #fhsa #business #entrepreneur #smallbusiness