How I've been Romanticizing time by myself ⬇️ I work from home most days and being alone in my house can feel… well… lonely. Even when I'm not alone, sometimes even getting tasks done can feel hard when I'm home all the time. I've been focusing on the word ROMANTICIZING lately. Finding ways to make tasks/ chores/ everyday life things that feel hard, feel light and funish. and truly trying to be mindful of where I am and being grateful for all I have. These are a couple things that have been helpful lately: 1. Opening up the blinds and taking in the sunshine 2. Giving myself moments to stop and be grateful / working on mindfulness 3. Listening to podcasts/ music while I do chores. dancing when it feels right haha 4. Treating myself to my favorite cup of coffee or snack when I'm feeling overwhelmed 5. Putting on candles/ incense and focusing on how great they smell 6. Trying new things/ new crafts/ hobbies 7. Celebrating the little wins. Even if it's getting up out of bed on a day that is hard! 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 Do you like romanticizing !? Would you give any of these a try!? 💌 #selflove #romanticizing #yourmentalhealthmatters #selfcare #chores #lifestyle #alonetime