Guiltily, I may add, I said this to someone when they were 7 years into their relationship, and I was 2 weeks into mine, absolutely head over heels. Needless to say, she likely didn’t want to be friends with me after that. Boyyyy was I humbled when I ran into the very issues that woman had been describing some years into my relationship. That woman is happily married now to the same terrific man, and kicking ass in life. So am I, but I’ve learned not to compare, not to gloat, and to keep my mouth shut about things I know nothing about. This goes without saying, but don’t listen to me if you’re in an abusive relationship or very toxic context. Next Meditation/Q&A on Patreon: this Sunday at 8am PST/11am EST. Bring your challenges to the community! #relationshipanxiety