Please please please make this video go super viral. We are so saddened and tired of seeing patients end up with PERMANENT #deafness #hearingloss (usually in one ear) due to putting off seeing a doctor thinking its just allergies or earwax and it can wait. YOU NEED TO BE SEEN ASAP if you experience SUDDEN hearing loss! Preferably by an #ENT #earnosethroat #suddenhearingloss #ssnhl #doctorelly #teachmedoc @Teach Me Doc
We are one of only a few clinics in Texas that is able to offer the recently FDA approved #tinnitus treatment option called #Lenire by #neuromod Please visit or call 713-984-7562 for more information if you suffer from #ringingintheears #lenirebyneuromod #leniretinnitus #tinnitustreatment #tinnitustherapy #tinnitusrelief #tinnitusawareness #audiology #audiologist #houston #tinnitushelp #memorialhearing #lenirehouston @lenire_tinnitus